Sunday, March 27, 2016

Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When you decide to start blogging, it’s easy to shoot from the hip to launch your first blog. There are, however, blogging tips you need to be aware of to be successful, especially if you plan to monetise your blog. Here are the most common blogging mistakes and a remedy for fixing them:
1. Blogging every day
When you start writing, you’ll be fuelled up and full of ideas that you want to get ‘out there’. You’re likely, though, to burn out quickly and any followers will quickly drop off disappointed at your dried-up blog. To overcome this, set yourself a blogging schedule that fits in with your daily schedule and other commitments. Evenly space your posts so you’ve a steady content flow that’ll reassure your audience and encourage return visits.
2. Being mis-informed about search engine optimisation (SEO)
It’s a myth to believe that, if your blog’s full of links and keywords, you’ll get to the top of Google and attract masses of traffic. Today’s Google uses a whole host of very complex super-intelligent algorithms to rank web content and detect attempts to use ‘keyword stuffing’ and ‘link spamming’ techniques that lead to poor user-experience. Preferable is writing accurate and well-written content over 300 words, with maximum 10% keywords. Focus on the blog’s benefit to the user and you’ll be rewarded by Google.
3. Thinking all you need to do is write
Some bloggers mistakenly believe that all they have to do is write and publish to gain their audience. We live, however, in a competitive marketing world where promoting your blog on social media is as important as writing it. Use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube, amongst others, to promote your content. You’ll attract a bigger following than just relying on SEO to bring traffic.
4. Believing that money comes easy from a blog
Bloggers talk about making money easily and quickly from their blog as a full-time career, whereas this is an involved and time-consuming process, being much more than setting up a free website and publishing a few blog posts. To successfully monetise your blog, you’ll need to employ a variety of techniques including pay-per-click advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate links.If you use affiliate marketing, join an official affiliate program and work the affiliate products/services you’re selling into your text. This is an art form and needs time and energy to succeed.
5. Classing words as the most important feature of a blog
While what you write will form the biggest part of your blog, a big block of words can be rather off-putting. Your audience will appreciate it more if your text is broken up with videos and images that add value to your words. As for the text itself, use a variety of styles including short sentences, single words and bulleted lists.
6. Failing to engage with your audience
A blog is communication and today’s users are very used to the Internet being a conversational place. If you write a blog and open it up to comments but don’t interact by replying to audience comments, they’ll feel neglected and may disappear so check for comments on both your blog and social media pages and make sure you reply personally to every single one!
Follow these tips and your blogging mistakes will be minimised.

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